Pilates C.A.R.E.S- Cancer Awareness and Recovery Exercise System

Pilates C.A.R.E.S.


State of the art Pilates programs for a variety of treatments and conditions to help people in their breast cancer recovery – in mind, body, and spirit

Pilates for Breast Cancer Recovery

Evidence is growing every day to support the positive role of exercise or breast cancer patients and survivors.  Physical activity improves both function and mental well being.  These programs are designed to improve circulation, range of motion, increase lung capacity, muscle strength, and flexibility.  The exercises will also decrease fatigue, depression, and reduce the risk of lymphedema and blood clots. 


Mail: kathy@kathycoreypilates.com  for details and pricing

Pilates C.A.R.E.S. Certification Program

Matwork Program I

This 2 day program includes a 3 phase matwork program, and covers medical recommendations, exercise guidelines, benefits of exercise, how Pilates addresses concerns specific to breast cancer, history of Pilates and breast cancer, testing and certification licensing.

Matwork Program I Exercise Program

Phase 1

These gentle movements help your quality of movement and improve daily function.

Phase 2

Focuses on adding more resistance training as well as increasing range of motion.

Phase 3

Strengthening exercises are added to work both sides of the body evenly.

Prerequisites:  Certified Matwork Teachers

Additional Pilates C.A.R.E.S Programs for Continuing Education

Matwork Program II

These next three phases also improve circulation, increase range of motion, lung capacity, muscle strength, and flexibility.  This program is a transition from rehabilitative exercises into the Pilates Mat class. 

Equipment Programs

In 1955, Joseph Pilates developed a rehabilitation program for Eve Gentry who had undergone a radical mastectomy.  These equipment programs for the Reformer, Spine Corrector and Ped –i-pul are based on the exercises he designed for Eve’s recovery.

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